The Beat Saber European Championship is a Country Based 3v3 Tournament in which Teams of 6 Players + 1 Captain Compete for the title of European Champion


  1. Matches will be Played using TournamentAssistant by Moon

  2. The Beat Saber European Championship is a Scheduled Tournament.

    This Means the times for the Matches will be given to teams by the Tournament Organisers and will take place close to each other to improve the viewing experience

  3. Once the set time for a match arrives, the two teams have a 5 minute grace period to have at least 3 players ready to play in the match room. Otherwise the Team will automatically forfeit the Match. However, players should be ready 5 minutes before the match begins.

  4. These Mods are Banned from being used in the Tournament and will result in a map loss when used:

    • Note Slice Visualizer
    • Song Chart Visualizer
    • AccDot
    • NoteCutGuide
    • Any mod that changes/disables score submission
    • Intro/Outro Skip
  5. Every Player competing in the Tournament must be able to stream their Gameplay with audio to / an rmtp server.
    • Resolution of 720p or higher

    • Framerate of 30fps or higher

    • Streams must be in First person View only

    • Use reasonably viewable camera settings, if you need help with this ask us on the EUC Discord Server

  6. If two teams end up tied on a map it will result in a replay

  7. If any player disconnects/crashes their team will not be given a "free" replay

  8. Every map must be played by 3 players from each team which are chosen by the team captain.

  9. Teams may switch out players on a "per map" basis — Swapping out players for replays is allowed

  10. Any player is not allowed to have any other player play on their account while competing in the Tournament

  11. Coordinators can apply penalties to a team who unnecessarily hold up tournament procedures. This can include the forfeit of a map or match.

  12. Both teams can submit up to 1 warmup song which is played before the match to introduce teams to the viewers and give players time to warm up.